Wednesday, 20 April 2016

Planning music videos

Music Video Planning 


The song don't panic by band Cold play makes remarks about how beautiful our planet is but also how we as Humans take it for granted and are slowly destroying it. We believe the topic and lyrics "we live in a beautiful world" and "all of us are done for" provide ample materiel to produce a powerful music video that makes a statement about the state of the world. We plan to use archive copyright free footage in unison with our own independently shot footage. The idea being that we find footage of human and natural disasters and juxtapose them with footage showing the beauty of our world to the negative and positive impacts we have on each other and the planet. We will also film our local area to show the same by highlighting good and bad points about the area.
The song its self is a rather slow one and this will contrast will some of the volatile images that are depicted and also the pace at which we show them, again another method of using contrast to amplify the comment being made. This contrapuntal method is seen in many music videos and also in films due to its effectiveness.

Scene Breakdown / Locations 

As our idea doesn't include an actual narrative story line, we are collecting shots that show the positives of the world and what humans have created that we should appreciate and then the negative side of it, the poverty, drug/ alcohol abuse fights etc. We are collecting some archive footage which is copy right free of war and poverty but we also need to film our own so we had the idea of using supplements to construct a scene where it looks as if someone is preparing drugs, also footage of some of the homeless around our local area and the local soup kitchen where people are helping each other. Also plan to film down Great Yarmouth sea front at night time because of the lights and it's recently been refurbished, we can show  this for the positive light to show what we as humans have created.

Great Yarmouth sea front.

As I have a car we can use a steady camera brace (shoulder brace) and film out of the window down the sea front and slow motion it when we edit it, to fit with the beat of the song. It reflects what we have created and shows the positives of the world and how we should appreciate and preserve what we have made.

Soup Kitchen - Salvation Army Community Centre

This image is an example of what would occur in a soup kitchen where people help feed the homeless, if we are able to get permission we would like to take a few shots to show another piece of footage to reinforce the positives is to show people helping one another.

Burgh Castle - Gorleston 

This is an image of a location where it would be free to film, this shows the ruins from a war that occurred centuries ago. As we are filming opposing positives and negatives when we come to editing we would like to compare a negative that fits with a positive and vise versa. With the footage shot here of the many walls of the ruins we could cut to a shot and show archive war footage, to show the audience the out come and show the history we have created.

Many of our shots have been shot abroad in New York and the Dominican Republic. The shots in New York take place in the street depicting some of the pollution caused by humans however also shows many of the Christmas lights and how we as humans can create beautiful things. We also have shots in Central Park to show some of the natural beauty that can be found in a place populated by many humans. We also have some shots taken on the top of some sky scrapers for example the Empire State Building that give a great Birdseye view of the iconic city at both day and night.

When it comes to the Dominican Republic footage we have a lot of shots of sunrises and sun sets on beaches and over the sea to show the natural beauty of the world. We also have footage of much of the flora such as palm trees and also mountains which again show the beauty of the world and also how formidable it can be.

To show the negative effects we have on animals we have shots of tigers and other animals in cages.

We also plan to collect copy right free archive footage depicting much of the worlds historical toils such as Nuclear bomb detonations, the holocaust, pollution and natural disasters for example the 2004 tsunami. 

Archive Footage

As the main narrative for our music video is showing negatives and positives of the world, we decided that archive footage from the public domain would be our best choice to get footage of bombs dropping and footage of war. We found a website - This has provided us with footage of war and poverty, footage that we would not be able to get ourselves, but reflect the current situation of the world and contribute to our subject. One of the video's in particular interest was the testing of a nuclear bomb, we can edit this footage to speed it up and show the audience this as a negative, we are building weapons that are going to wipe out our race etc. - and also 
To show footage that we may not be able to get ourselves. 

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