Monday 29 September 2014

Package transition short

Our task was to shoot a short sequence of up to 20 shots in which a package of some kind was changed hand. The short had to include: At least 5 close ups, at least 1 extreme close up, at least 2 matches on action, one eye line match, one point of view, a shot reverse shot sequence, at least 1 camera movement, some establishing shots and at least one non-cut transition.

In this short we used various camera angles and shots to try and translate the suspense and fast pace we were trying to capture to the audience. We did this buy using alot of short length shots cutting to each one which kept pace high. We also done this by jumping straight into the action putting the audience right into the middle of it. As for movement we used panning and hand held methods. The panning helped to display the entire scene and gave context to the characters. The hand held method added to the intensity and also immerses the audience in the scene. As for shot types we used long, medium, close up and also some low elevation shots to help covey different moods and styles. For example the low elevation shots of the buyer instantly identify him as a prominent character. I especially like the shot of the package changing hands, I felt it really focuses the audience's attention on the pack as well as feeling very immersive.

Things we could have done better.
There are several parts we could have improved on, the first being a man in the background at 0:13 who spoils the shot briefly, if we had more time we would have been able to re-shoot the shot which would have improved the shot over all. Another part of the film I don't like is a car that enters a shot around 1:20, it takes the focus off of one of the characters and given the time I would have liked to re-shot that shot as well. Looking back on the film I would also have re-shot the scenes that show some of the characters walking, whilst watching the feel I felt it would have looked better and matched the music better if they had been walking slightly faster than they are in the film. Lastly at the and of the film the "buyer" opens the bag to reveal some DAZ, however in the film we used a piece od paper with the DAZ logo on it which really ruined the ending, this was probably the biggest flaw of the film.

For the most part the film maintains continuity and the audience is able to understand the plot of the film. Each character was introduced and then there position in context to the other characters was shown so the audience knew where each character was which, for the story was important. There are a few shots in which it looks like the characters have jumped forward which breaks the continuity, to improve on this these shots should have been re-filmed and the characters position adjusted to maintain the continuity of the scenes.


The music we used was the Bourne Ultimatum OST waterloo track. We used this as it induces a sense of urgency and suspense which is what we wanted the audience to feel and how we wanted the film to feel. We also timed significant changes of tempo or volume that are in the song, with significant events in the film, we felt this really improved the short and were really happy with our choice of music.


As for lighting we didn't have much time to set up any artificial lighting to aid the look of the film. Everything was filmed in ambient light the only editing we done was to play around with the contrast and brightness that added a mysterious more intense feel than the unedited version.


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