Monday 29 September 2014

Top 3 Depict

Loose ends:
This film was about two men waiting for someone or something to arrive. I really liked how the calmness and casualness of the conversation contrasted with the surreal visuals in the film ( two men standing in a field at night wearing full suits and holding guns). I also liked how the dialogue was very ambiguous while describing and hinting as to what the two men were waiting for, but never giving a clear enough picture for the audience to guess. The twist at the end, being a screaming man being beamed down by what I assume was an alien space craft was both humorous and the special effects used were used well and didn't hinder the film for me. I also like how the dialogue between the characters gives us a sense of who the are even in the short about if time we see them. We know the older of the two is in charge and more experienced than the younger man from the calmness in his voice, it all seems procedure to him, where as the younger man is full of questions and is a little less sure of the situation. The camera angles and editing used is also very good, the conversation was fluid and the video flowed nicely to each shot. I really liked the blunt anti climatic ending which also added to the fact that the older of the men had done this many times before, and brought the film to a fitting conclusions.

cool unicorn bruv:

This film  shows  a young man trying to sell a bike to another man, for all intensive purposes there is nothing unusual taking place. That is until a man pulling a unicorn along shows up, completely out doing the man trying to sell the bike. I really like the way, despite a unicorn showing up, how the tone stays the same, its all very casual as the man begins to list of the magic abilities making for a very humorous video. Something else that adds to the charm and comedy of the video is the grimey London accents the men have. The camera work is very professional which really makes the film look crisp and sharp and allowed me to enjoy the humor without being irritated by any shoddy filming.

Candy crime:
Candy crime shows a group of youths about to supposedly steal candy from a little girl, however the film takes a twist when instead of robbing the candy they swap it for a key ring and a gun. I really like this twist as it is very unexpected and original, especially when the boy pulls out the gun tricking the audience into thinking the film is about to fall into showing a typical robbery, but then sticking to the twist swaps it, leaving the innocent little girl putting a handgun in her bag which was very amusing. The directing in this film really stands out, each shot looks and feels really professional which making it easy to become immersed in the film. The camera work is also incredibly smooth and its easy to tell a lot of planning has gone into each shot. I like how the film is in black and white, while the candy is in colour as it emphasizes that the candy is the main focus of the film, and could also be a hint to there being a little "colour" in everyone and perhaps a little grey as well.

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