Monday 2 February 2015

Technical side of editing.

1. What to the numbers 16:9 refer to?
This refers to the aspect ration of a Television. The aspect ration is the width in relation to height of a video. 16:9 is the aspect ratio found in newer TV's and are HDTV's often wide screens.

2. What is the frame size of a 1080p video?
1920x1080 pixels.

3.If you have a video file which is 720:50p what is the frame rate and what does the p stand for?
The first number refers to the video size, while the second number refers to the number of frames per secon, so in this case the frame rate would be 50fps. The p stand for "progressive scan" and shows each frame one after the other.

4. What is the difference between p and i?
 p an i are both different methods of showing the frames, P or progressive scan, shows frames one after the other, while i, interlaced, interlaces half a frame at anyone time, and interlaces these half frames together to show unified movement. P is far superior to i however produces much larger files.

5. What frame rate is real film shot at?

6.What might be the advantage of shooting at a higher frame rate?
The higher the frame rate is the smoother movement will appear, this means fast action will be clearer shooting at a high frame rate, while shooting at a lower one may cause fast movement to look blurry.

7. What defines a lossy file?
A lossy file is a file type used to store video and sound. Lossy files are highly compressed files that are compressed to reduce file sizes. As the name suggests Lossy files to sacrifice some detail.

8. Name 3 file types commonly used in video editing.
AVCHD is a domestic camcorder file type. It is highly compressed and often has the suffix .mts.
MOV is a video file type associated with Apple Quicktime. It has the suffix .mov and is also compressed.
FLV and F4V are flash video files. Flash is used on the web, these files can be described as lossy as they to are compressed.

9. What is the difference between a video file type and a codec?
A video file type is the format in which the information is stored, where as a codec refers to how the file type is compressed.

10. What is a bit rate?
Bit rate is the rate in which a file processes information. The higher the bit rate of a file, the more powerful the computer being used needs to be.

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